Saturday, August 05, 2006

Landis' Sample B Positive; Maillot Jaune "Sullied"

The news is out everywhere. Floyd Landis has tested positive on the follow-up test. He has already been removed by Team Phonak and Tour de France officials are working on transfering the title to Oscar Pereiro, who finished behind Landis.


Blogger Patrick said...

I do not believe that multiple defenses equals self-incrimination. Have you ever been falsely accused of something? How many things are running through your mind? Sometimes those things running through your mind sound like, "well maybe it could seem like I'm guilty if I did X, but I didn't" and so on. He just opened his mouth WRT scenarios. It sort of reminds me of Kafka's _The Trial_ where the protagonist who stands accused of some vague crime tries to figure out exactly *what* crime, and often finds himself convincing himself he's guilty, not guilty, guilty, etc.

2:21 PM  

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